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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Birth Injuries in Memphis, Tennessee

Although the majority of babies are born during joyous, routine and uneventful labors and deliveries, not all newborns are so lucky. Tragically, a mismanaged labor and delivery can result in permanent injuries and life-long disabilities such as brain damage and shattered bones. The Cochran Firm's Memphis, Tennessee birth injury attorneys have experience in these difficult cases, and we are here for you if your child was harmed due to medical error.

An unnecessary birth injury can be the result of a healthcare provider’s failure to recognize and treat a mother's high blood pressure, the failure to respond to fetal distress, oxygen deprivation, the failure to perform a C-section in a timely manner and injuries to the baby caused by forceps and vacuum extraction deliveries among other causes.

The physical, emotional, and financial toll experienced by the parents, siblings and extended family members when a baby is injured at birth can be overwhelming. The costs of providing specialized medical care, rehabilitative therapies, special educational needs, and nursing care for a special needs child are not easily absorbed by most families. At the same time, having to adjust your expectations and dreams for your child while providing support and caring concern can be helped by not having the burden of worrying about how to finance the future of your birth injured child.

The experienced birth injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm have made a heartfelt commitment to ensure families get the maximum financial compensation they need to secure the future of their birth injured child so the family can better cope with their physical and emotional healing free of financial concerns.

If you live in the Memphis, Tennessee area and your child was injured at birth, please contact the experienced birth injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm today. We offer no-cost, no-obligation, confidential consultations, and we work on a contingency basis, which means we collect no money unless you receive a settlement or positive verdict and award.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 4:04 PM

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